Anima Mundi | PAU D’ARCO | "Heal-All of the Rainforest"

Regular price $24.00
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Immune Protection*

Pau D'Arco is a huge canopy tree native to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical parts of South and Latin America. It has a long and well-documented history of use by the indigenous peoples of the rainforest. Indications imply that its use may actually predate the Incas. Throughout South America, tribes living thousands of miles apart have employed it for the same medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. 

Since the 80’s, Pau D’Arco has received extensive scientific research for its ability to  protect against viruses, protect against candida overgrowth, as a general tonic to the reproductive organs, as a nutritive to the skin. In South American herbal medicine, which has been confirmed medically, it is considered to be astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral.* 

Key Benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory with analgesic properties* 
  • Anticandidal, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial* 
  • Antiparasitic* 
  • Antiviral* 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.


Both physically and energetically cleaned, each crystal is washed with a sage and palo santo infused soap. During this process, the energy is also cleansed using reiki and other energy work.


After they are washed, each crystal is cleared in turn with smoke from sage and palo santo. From here, a second round of energy work is applied.


We use sunlight, moonlight, sound, and selenite to get each crystal baby charged and ready for its new home.


Where Your Crystals Are Sourced


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Feeling The Vibes

"Love how quick shipping, response time and new drops are loaded! Such amazing product!"

Erin, from Instagram

"Wild Alabaster is amazing! Best customer service! Best quality crystals I've ever seen."

Jen, from Instagram

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