The Inner Child Collection

The Inner Child Collection

Droppes 4.24.22 @ 8pm EST

“The inner child is often conceived as a semi-independent sub-personality subordinate to the waking conscious mind.”


This month, we are diving into some pretty heavy heart and soul work, The Inner Child. When the inspiration hit, I immediately said no... quite literally... I audibly said NOPE. Sorry Universe, pick something else - we ain’t ready. But, naturally, I got energetically roadblocked and humbly brought the idea to the table for morning meeting and there was a collective exhale and a look like “okay, we are gonna do this."
This is the WORK, it’s not easy. And it’s not cute but it is essential to harnessing our highest self, we have to connect with all of the pieces of ourselves. It’s the work none of us are ready for. We just dive in and start swimming.


So, what is the Inner Child? The Inner Child is said to be the part of ourselves that has been present from the beginning, since utero, and continues to develop with us through our childhood. Our inner child is a part of our subconscious that has been picking up messages before it was able to fully process what was going on mentally and emotionally. It holds memories, emotions, experiences, messages and traumas. We all have an inner child and all of our inner child has been injured. Those injuries, messages or traumas hold energy and have created a narrative, behavior pattern and even a chemical shift in our brains.


The Inner Child Collection is a curation of crystals with the energetic frequency to not only hold space for this work but also to encourage it. The energies of these crystals come together to create feelings of safety, inner-knowing, connection to self, empathy and unconditional love, while at the same time invoking bravery and inspiration.

Carnelian  | Apophyllite | Amazonite | Aventurine | Jade | Peach Selenite | Pistachio Calcite | Blue Calcite



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6 products